Yay! All medical services in Issaquah can resume!
A new friend we met on our daily walk 🙂  |
We are very excited to announce that yesterday, Governor Inslee gave the okay for health care offices to immediately begin seeing non-urgent cases, as well as opening up dental cleanings, orthodontic visits and routine patient care in offices such as ours. Here is a link to the announcement. We have made additional changes to our procedures based on the new information presented yesterday, including taking your temperature before the appointment and running down a checklist of possible COVID symptoms with each patient before they are seen. We ask that you wear a mask to your visit and please arrive on time rather than early and only bring a family member if needed, to minimize the amount of patients in our small waiting area. Other precautions that we are taking that were added previously can be found below and as always you are also welcome to call or email if you have any questions or concerns about these.
We look forward to welcoming you back to our clinic safely, starting today, to help you with any health issues you may have: headaches, aches, pain, anxiety, hormones, allergies and many more. Remember that most health care plans cover acupuncture!
Stay healthy- With love from Alpine Acupuncture |
Alpine Acupuncture Clinic Safety Modifications
Carleton continues to see patients who are feeling healthy on Monday-Thursday with slightly modified hours depending on the week. Our online schedule is always up-to-date and accurate.
Below is a list of steps that we have taken to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 while continuing to promote the health and well-being of our patients.
1. We ask that if you are feeling sick that you notify us to reschedule
2. Carleton is wearing a fabric mask daily in accordance with the new recommendations from the CDC and patients need to wear one as well- please choose a reusable/fabric one to free up the disposable ones for our front line health care workers.
3. Carleton will be taking your temperature and asking you about any COVID risks at each visit
4. We are disinfecting all tables, chairs, doors, counter tops and credit card machines multiple times per day.
5. We are washing our hands during and in between patient visits.
6. We are propping our front door open during business hours to decrease common touch contacts.
7. We are asking all patients to wash their hands before entering the office.
8. We are having patients go right into their treatment room top minimize waiting room contact (please try to arrive right on time rather than early- normally we love to chat in the waiting room but these are special times!)
9. Please only bring family members if you need their assistance for driving or during the visit.
9. If you are higher risk and need an appointment slot when other patients will not be in the clinic to reduce your exposure, please call and request that, we are happy to help. We are already spacing out ALL appointments to minimize contact.
We believe that with these action steps we can play a vital role in helping our patients to continue to improve their health while simultaneously preventing the spread of COVID-19.
We are here and ready to serve you and our community. |
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